Saturday, May 10, 2008

Games the mind will play - Journey of self discovery

Being caught in the old "trap" - being effected by others actions, or comments... The mind is so quick to "make up stories" about why something happened.. "oh they are acting this way toward me because of something I said or did". Coming from this position it is very easy to react in a negative way.
When in fact (more often than not) - the mind has simply conjured something up - there are always too many factors at hand to say why someone is acting or doing something... are they acting out of character (and how would you know if you only just met them?), are they having a bad day? (ah, but since we haven't asked them...) -- so we take the variables we do know and we try to play the chess board with what we have. Since some of those variables include our emotional state, or what happened to us "last time" - we find then a bias to our outcome that often veers on the negative.

By having a daily Yoga practice (and here is my bias for some form of Hatha practice) we explore the journey of self discovery, removing some of the conditioning by the union (Yoga=Yoke or Union) of the actions of breath, body and mind... the more often we participate in the practice, the less conditioning we find, and therefore the less we 'react' to situations that normally would "press our buttons"
Through this practice we act from a more "centered" perspective and are able to observe the frantic nature of others lives... simply observe without becoming caught up in that web of negative energy.
We have moved from generating these franetic actions to observing others... continued practice of Yoga brings us to a place of calmness; when others experience this it has a positive impact for them. It is hard to have a negative reaction to a cat sitting outside being the expression of its true self... go find a cat and sit for a while (go on!), do your Yoga practice and well everything will be much better...
