Thursday, December 29, 2005

Rolfing cost back home

Just emailed a rolfer and found out the cost is $100 per $1000 for the 10 minimum sessions... better see if I can do the rest here before I return...

Tuesday, December 27, 2005


So I have been going to the local Rolfer (should it be capitalized?) for the minimum 3 sessions (last one today, maybe try to get the other minimum, 10, in before I leave) with the last one today...

It is very interesting bodywork... they basically use their elbow to get into deep connective tissue... well you can read a bit about it here:
and here:

I am pretty sure it has made a difference, I seem to stand taller and feel lighter... it is too early to tell if the Yoga is better because I have been taking it easy after pulling a muscle in my side...

Anyway the rolfer I have been going to (Ken) uses a scale from 1-10 for pain... where 10 is excrutiating (actually he defined it differently, but I can't remember it so this is the gist)... I usually hope he stops at 9....
It is all a personal tolerance thing, and he says that you can relax into it... or even breath into it...

Anyway, the other day as I tell him it is at 9 and 9 1/2, I realize he hasn't eased off (ok at 9 1/2 he may have, just a bit) so I asked him what was the point of the 1-10 scale if he doesn't listen anyway? He said he noticed that I tolerate 9 for ten seconds, so he keeps going that long!

Today I was really late for a session... took a nap and then he called asking me if I was coming or not! I ended up receiving a 40 minute session (not sure how long it is normally, probably an hour) and basically suffered the pain... I got the idea that if I didn't the session would not have been 'complete' due to time constraints... I did ask if he wanted me to do another session to make up the lost time, but he said no need... :)

He told me to do some * 1/2 Sun Salutations (both A and B) to help the nervous system since he didn't have time to do the 'finishing' stuff.. fair enough... I do so enjoy the mini Sun Salutations, so I went home and completed 5 of each... nice :)

* 1/2 Sun Salutations are just the standing parts of the salutation without jumping back...

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Sitting in the corner Part 2 (agreements)

(post snipped to protect the innocent :) )

It's about agreements and energy exchange. I love to help people.. I do! :)
Just need to find a balance with this, and people need to hold up their side of the bargain!

At this point I am seriously considering getting out of Mysore for a bit, my Yoga month is over tomorrow so I will not be losing money by taking off somewhere... But wait! I hear you say "solitude can only be found from within"...I agree.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Most of it is just 5 breaths

People complain about how smelly it is here, how it hurts to stay in an Asana... my answer mostly is that it is only for 5 breaths anyway... you walk past a "stench" in the street (maybe it is a person you don't like to talk to, maybe it is trash lying scattered all over) it usually is gone by the 5th breath anyway... so whats it matter? With the asanas it is not like we are holding them for Iyengar periods of time is it? Mind you with that attitude I did manage in the first breath of an asana to pull my side muscles... so there goes that theory...

A number of weeks ago (probably a month ago) I was walking down an alley with a friend.. oops we picked the wrong alley... and now name it piss alley... and ok it took more than 5 breaths, but it did end.....

Well I am not sure the point of the post, but it has been running through my mind the past few days...

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Sitting in a corner

(modified to protect the innocent ;) )

It is all a mind game isn't it? Really it is better to have silence and solitude sometimes, it is only when we are seeking to mingle with the crowd (so to speak) when what we want doesn't match the reality... and at those times it is hard to be satisfied with silence and solitude...

They say that there is more Yoga being done off the mat than on the mat... I would have to agree with that...

Sunday, December 04, 2005


November 21st - 24th (inclusive) -- info. for these days added (blank before)