Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Arrived in London

Photo is looking out from my brothers window.

Trip over was fine, Delta is still pretty nice when flown Internationally... Landed in Gatwick International Airport. I went through Customs/Immigration easily and then I lined up for train tickets to Plymough (pretty long line) The man at the counter told me to get the next train to Plymouth which changes at Reading - I said, wait a minute isn't it quicker to go via paddington (here I am super tired; completeley out of it;no idea really about how train routes work in England; challenging/asking a walking encyclopeadia on trains lol) He said "Why would you want to do that - it's longer - and goes through there anyway!" So of course I said ok. Then I saw how soon the train departs... 15 minutes (or something crazy) I gotta change money, get through the green channel (sometimes they stop you, sometimes there is no one there!) I am thinking 1hr min. - so I challenge him on this too! Stupid me! He responded that I had plenty of time it's a straight through thing; no problem.
Tiicket cost was So I arrived in Reading. The train arrived late, which meant that I missed the connection... man at the station told me to just wait for the next train; it is on the same platform no problem and a 10 minute wait. He also said it travels directly to Plymouth.
As the train pulled up to the platform I discovered that the train does not in fact stop in Plymouth but skips it and then stops at the next major town (a long way away, don't remember which one) I asked a conductor and was told to talk to the office to see which would be the best train to take, so off I went to the office. I couldn't find the office so I returns to the platform to ask a different conductor who advised me that the next train stops at Plymouth, but I could have caught this train and simply got off at Exeter and transfered again, I said great! I will do that then. The conductor quickly informed me that this would not be possible, the doors were closed and the train was about to leave. So I missed that one.
I waited over an hour for the next train getting a bit cold. The train arrived!
I lumbered (the 2 backpacks that I carried with me made it awkward to do anything else) onto a carriage that was further away from the front of the train because the closer carriages were marked First Class. I didn't find a place for my large backpack in the storage area (besides I have heard of people stealing them from these areas) so I just carried it to a seat. One seat for my backpacks, one for me, sounds good. Hopefully the conductor won't mind.
This train had a buffet I knew, but I wasn't sure where it was, or if it was one of these full service trains where they come to you. Shortly the ticket inspector came by so I asked him. He told me it is in Carriage B. I asked how far that was from here (not wanting to leave my backpack long) He advised me that I was in carriage F and that carriage B was near the front of the train. I thanked him for the information and told him I wouldn't bother then.
I sat around for an a bit but my stomach told me that I needed to eat, so (again worry about the backpacked) I pretty much ran down the train (ok I walked really really fast) almost knocking into people.
The buffet had warm and cold meals, but I found the warm meals are by order so they take time to make. I really wanted a warm meal, but really wanted to get back to my seat, so I ordered a cold sandwich. Upon receiving the sandwich I walked really really fast back to my seat. A little bit faster this time, so fast as I knocked peoples hands and legs it was almost rude.
I arrived back at my seat and collapsed down, thankful that my backpack was still there!
Arrived in Plymouth a few hours later, and after getting my bearings again walked over to the bus stop. I took a bus to Bretonside Bus Station to purchase the return ticket for the 11:45pm coach to London Heathrow.
When I asked to purchase the single ticket the woman advised me that the coach company no longer allow tickets to be changed once they are made so to be sure before I purchased. No problem I was sure so I purchased the ticket. (price to be added later)
After that I visited my brother, it was a nice visit, over six hours, though were he is living is very cold, and especially upstairs in his bedroom was freezing tonight. I didn't really cover up adequately.
After the visit I was dropped back at the station where I stopped off at a local Indian Restaurant. I ordered a take out but the coach was about to leave. I walked really really fast to the coach, picked up my backpack from the lockers and settled into my seat.
The coach stopped for a break on the way and I did manage some sleep, I didn't eat the Indian food in the end as I found a really tasty and filling Yogurt at the rest area cafe. The Yogurt had honey at the bottom and yummy tasting topping.

The picture is the view looking from outside my Brothers upstairs window.

!Original Post! I have completed my mini trip to see my brother, one day of travelling, then one day of waiting for the next flight to India... So here I am... waiting.... :)

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