Thursday, October 27, 2005

Eleventh Ashtanga Practice

Practice (@ 5pm) was very good today (although I was still a bit full from lunch, see below), a lot of strong adjustments (as usual) - I finished my practice @ Marichyasana D (and completed the usual finishing Padmasana asana series)
My hamstring (right leg) is sore, maybe the adjustments they make are too strong...

This morning I took Airborne, bacause of allergies or the start of something else, I am not taking the chance. I used a full pack of mini-tissues, but as usual during the day there were no or very few symptoms.
Todays breakfast was at Tina's (Hi-protein porridge and Chai) - I felt like I needed the warmth of a hot breakfast.
Coffee day coffee houses are aparently becoming popular (they seem very similar to Starbucks) - I went there to meet a friend and then walked to Anu's Internet Cafe for Lunch. I really overate. When visiting Anu's it is as though the normal signals to stop eating are temporarily shut down. Apart from soup and tons of food, I also ate their regular desert and shared a chocolate pie!
Another walk was in order, so we marched through a really nice park to the Yoga Mandala. I did manage one or two stops on the way (I guess I am not as fit as I used to be)

Back in Gokulum, I chatted with another friend about intermediate and advanced series Ashtanga practice and how some people feel it is not necessary to advance beyond Primary series. We concluded that the later series, other than improving the physical bodies flexibility and strength, it also helps to cultivate more awareness of the body as well as unlocking emotional blocks that we may have.

Oh, no dinner was required, I was far too full to eat!

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