Monday, October 10, 2005

Do you need to go to a hospital?

Finally today I called Shiva, the Yoga Helper. "I need a Dr., a Western doctor, not an Ayurvedic one, can you send a Rikshaw?" (I know Ayurvedic Dr. are great, but they usually prevent problems, I know I need antibiotics at this point... my chest is full of phlegm and if I don't take care of this now it is not going to be good)

"Do you need to go to the hospital?!" I told him no. He said he would have a rikshaw driver to me in 5 minutes. Then he called back... "You know... your landlord is a Dr.!, he will be there in a few minutes!"
Had I known this I would have seeked helped sooner.

The Dr. came and prescribed Antibiotic (suprise, suprise)

He also gave me some great advice which I will save for everytime this happens:

Drink hot milk
Drink warm water
Eat Bread + Butter
Have Soup
Eat Apples, do not juice them that changes the properties, just eat as is.
Do not eat any other fruits!

That was it, but it was really excellent advice! I think it helped a great deal.

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