Friday, October 28, 2005

Twelfth Ashtanga Practice

I took another Airborne today.
When a place is good to eat at, it is hard not to make it a daily habit, so today I went to Tina's cafe again!
After I arrived at Tina's, the cats and dogs fell from the sky.
I did manage to get a lift/ride back, so I stopped off at (guess where?) Anu's to use the Internet cafe, have lunch, and more Internet cafe!
Yoga @ Yoga Mandala (I bought six day's worth of classes). I reached Marichyasana D, tried to bind my arms myself, found that I couldn't (I haven't been able to on my own ever), so I waited for someone to help me, no one came (the shala has been busy with AYRI closing), so I stopped the practice here and completed the finishing asanas (Padmasana series)
I am feeling very happy to finish at this point every day, I feel that my body needs to open up, and that Marichyasana D is a gatekeeper asana to the rest of the series.

Started a game of chess with a friend (it is nice to find people who like to play chess, very few back home)

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