Saturday, October 29, 2005

Thirteenth Ashtanga Practice

Today for a change, I went to Kevinn for breakfast. I am finding myself eating more and more each day! Maybe it is Mysore or the water (though I drink mineral water so it can't be that), but most probably it is the Ashtanga practice, today I ate the homemade Muesli, mixed fruit smoothie (Banana and papaya), the 'Kevinator' (some thick bread with ghee and honey on top), and Chai!
I stopped at some friends house who are staying next to the AYRI shala. From what I hear, the house is owned by Saraswati (Pattabhi Jois's daughter). There is a nice practice space upstairs (where I understand Saraswati has held classes) and about three rooms for students. The biggest concern with the rooms facing the road is that there is quite a bit of noise made by the students who are leaving practice in the early hours of the morning. The students cross the road to a coconut stand that is conveniently located there (and inconveniently located right next to the window where students sleep).
I chatted with one of the students about practice, about what we are visiting Mysore for, and all the possibilities for practice that are here. We both teach Yoga back @ our respective homes, so it was good to hear the similarities with what we were trying to accomplish, and the difficulty which were encountering deciding which direction to move towards. We ate lunch at Anu's, but today I stuck to the soup and before I had a chance to fill a plate of food, the staff had removed all the food! (actually a very good thing)

In the end, all four of us climbed into a Rikshaw and we went to Yoga Mandala for practice (some of us for the first time, some of us recommending to try Yoga Mandala to those who hadn't tried it before)
I was told of a new way to attempt Kukkutasana, so today I thought I would try it, as according to the picture guide that Yoga Mandala hands out, this asana should be right after lolasana and therefore only two or so asanas more than I normally complete ( ) (remember that most people skip handstand, apparently even in the main AYRI shala) of course I was confusing it with Bhuja Pindasana, but I didn't know this at the time.
Well things worked out quite well, but there was no way I was going to rock forward after balancing (I did the first day @ Yoga Mandala, that was enough to tell me I wasn't ready for it!), so this is where I completed my practice (with the usual Padmasana finishing series)

I ate a "Cornish" Pastie at the Yoga Mandala cafe. There is nothing Cornish about this pastie, but it was nevertheless delicious! I also consumed a small bowl of soup which was average to ok, and two glasses of Pineapple juice (very cooling after the practice)

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