Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Ashtanga session

8am practice. My breath is much improved now that the sickness has all but passed. Five Surya Namaskar B's are still tiring for me. I missed the first two poses of Primary series. I don't know what happened, I simply went straight into Triangle. Saraswati didn't notice and I didn't realize until a few hours after class.
Prior to class I have been reading John Scott's Ashtanga book. It is really great, I am just focusing on one or two asanas. I just re-read the information for Surya Namaskar B. I was really running out of breath coming into Warrior I. I now know it is necessary to continue the exhale past downward dog until the arms are lifting for Warrior I, at that moment (just before in fact) the inhale should begin: It made all the difference in todays practice!
Each time I feel the sequence (forget the fact I missed the two asanas today) is becoming smoother, I am remembering better.
I do not know if Saraswati is not seeing me complete some of the asanas or if she does this intentionally, but I end up repeating many asanas (in the 3rd session she actually told me to repeat a whole series of asanas) - it is good though.
Saraswati had me finish at the end of the standing series again today. I am very happy with this because I was actually thinking she was letting me go through the sequence too quickly. I want to savour the journey, really deepen each asana before proceeding too far.

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