Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Strange day & Osho Meditation

I can't explain the following, maybe it was the sickness, maybe hallucinations.
In the afternoon, I rested on my back, not exactly Shavasana, I was laying down on a hardish bed in no real position (but I was comfortable)... I would close my eyes and images in full color like comic strips would flash behind my eyes. I opened my eyes. I would think of something, close my eyes and again an image would appear. Interesting thing is the image was almost an answer to whatever it was I was thinking prior to closing my eyes. I opened my eyes. I did this several times. Same result... Other things came to me too...
I looked at my watch, time to go to a 1hr Osho meditation I had been invited to. I wondered if I had to do anything other than sit up. My fever was in full force and I couldn't imagine doing anything more. Oh I would have to breath, well I was coughing and my right side hurt with all the phlegm. Breathing may have to be optional... I left for the meditation.
I met up with my friend and we arrived. I told the guy that I would sit at the back so I wouldn't disturb anyone.
The meditation was amazing and brought further insightful moments. I probably should not go into huge details here so let me just say I had to exhale a simple sound and the music in the background supported this breath. There was also very slow arm movements. Incredibly simple and yet profoundly powerful. I am hooked.

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