Thursday, October 06, 2005

First Ashtanga Practice

Based on advice given to me by Yoga students last night at a local restaurant/Internet cafe (Anu's Cafe) on went into Saraswati's class @ 8am.

I told her I am a beginner and asked her if it will be ok for me to study with her. She asked me if I know Surya Namaskar and I said yes.
She asked me how long I will be here. I told her 3-4 months. She was ok with this and let me join.
I unrolled my mat and stood at the front in Samasthitihi (Mountain Pose) and breathed Ujjayi.... I stood there until told to move. Saraswati said go ahead start, so with an inhale I brought my arms overheard and began.
Mysore Style practice is hard, you have to remember which count you are on, how many times did I complete Surya Namaskar, was that the 3rd? I can't remember. In Surya Namaskar B (where you do Warrior I) you have to remember to do both sides after the Vinyasa through Chataranga/Upward facing dog. Did I just do the right or left side? I can't remember.
I winged it through 5 of each (which in itself is a lot for me, back home I would complete 5 of each, maybe two poses and basically that would be it, too tired to continue, I would end in Shavasana shortly afterward). I was tired and sweating (the sweating is a good thing, the tired part no so)
Then I stood in Samasthitihi. I completed the first two poses of the Primary series (Forward fold first grasping the toes, then placing the hands under the feet - Padangusthasana).

After holding the toes for 5 breaths, was I supposed to inhale to flat back, then fold placing my hands under my feet? I couldn't really remember, but that seemed right so I did it.

After all of this I returned to Samasthitihi. As I already said, this is where my practice would normally end. I couldn't remember really what was next. I stopped and waited, breathing Ujjayi....
Saraswati came along and helped me through the next few poses.
I came to Sideways Stretch A (Prasarita Padottanasana A)

and Saraswati did something I haven't seen before. She held me by the waist and lowered my head/body to the floor! Then the adjusted from there...
I reachec Sideways Stretch C and she stopped me (this is Mysore Style Ashtanga where you do not go further if you cannot complete the pose, it is up to the teacher exactly when that is (there are rules if the teacher can get you into the pose they may let you proceed, but since this was my first class...)
She told me to go down... I sat down, then started to lay down for Shavasana... she said! Sit in Padmasana (Full Lotus)
I sat with my legs crossed in half lotus. Saraswati said "Do you not know Padmasana?" I told her I did, and obediently started crossing my legs..." leg first!" She was telling me to cross my right leg first, then the left crosses over the right. I was happier with the anyway since my left knee makes it more difficult to cross the other way.
I thought, no problem Padmasana for 25 breaths (I remembered this from the video I was playing) hahaha Saraswati comes along and helps me to finish the remaining poses including a 25 breath count of Uth Pluthi (I can't find a link but basically in full lotus you place your hands out to the side and lift your body for a count of 25)
I was suprised when Saraswati placed my hands so far apart for Uth Pluthi (made it a bit easier) she did support my knees during the count but it was rough.

Finally Shavasana... what a sweet reward.

Saraswati told me to come back tomorrow at 8am.

I left the Shala and sat down where a man was selling coconuts. I gladly accepted one from him (only 6rs) and guzzled away. I was still sweating a little bit, mainly my head. I was also tired. Ah it was more Yoga than I have done before, no problem.

Later that day I realised it was a problem... fever had hit me...

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