Friday, October 21, 2005

Seventh Ashtanga Practice

Surya Namaskara B (Sun Salutation B) is still tiring. I spoke to a friend and he said he rarely does all five since Surya Namaskara is just designed to warm the body - now he tells me! But then again I am sorry he did, because I will probably wimp out every time instead of just doing it (like I have been) so that my strength increases.

One more asana today, oblique face one leg West extension posture
(Tiryangmukhaikapada Paschimatanasana)- for me sitting with my leg behind (like Virasana/Vijrasana aka hero pose) is really easy, but as with all seated forward folds I find this difficult. Saraswati assisted me with the previous pose (basically the same but with the leg in half lotus) wow, the stretch was pretty intense, to the point I had to bend my outstretched knee to lessen the pressure.

After practice and while looking at my reference book (John Scott) I notice that I have consistently missed one of the zillion (4 or 5 to be more accurate) postures during the (abreviated) finishing sequence. It is Padmasana (full Lotus) with the mudra for 25 breaths. Quite important I would say and especially a good rest prior to the Uth Pluthi where you must lift yourself while in Padmasana for 25 breaths. Needless to say I never manage the 25 breaths (except the first time when Saraswati held my knees up... which was still very intense) - I simply hold the asana* as long as I can (counting the breaths), drop to seated and then lift once again, until I reach about 20 breaths in total or until I am too exhausted - which ever comes first...
Savasana is always very nice....

*Interesting enough, Yoga Mula says this isn't really an asana at all, but still very good for you.

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