Monday, November 07, 2005

Nineteenth Ashtanga Practice

All the things I have said for the previous practice hold for this one.

After completing Navasana and the cross legged lifting of two days ago, I was told to lie down and complete Bow pose (Urdhva Dhanurasana), Chakrasana, & then Paschimottanasana for which Saraswati took a mat and pushed me down to the floor telling me it was an important counterpose to Urdhva Dhanurasana (after telling me "do Paschimottanasana now..." and me looking at her blankly: I really need to learn the Sanskrit names soon...)
During Chakrasana I rolled on the side of my head... I don't think I have tried this roll since I was a kid, and I doubt I got it right back then either!

The backbend was really well timed after all these forward folds (I know, I know, I said I would practice backbends at home... hahaha that never happened)

Savasana was especially good, very soft breath, first time I have had such a good Savasana since arriving in Mysore.

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