Friday, November 18, 2005

Twentyseventh Ashtanga practice

Practice was at 8:15am. Saraswati lead the chant (I figured out when/why this happens, Friday is a 'Guruji'/Sharath Primary series lead class so it finishes by 8am, and Saturday there is no practice for 'Guruji' students)

Practice was long and slow, no rushing today :) Breath is good halfway through seated asanas.

Someone pointed out that I am touching my knees to the floor during Surya Namaskar, so today I am being careful not to did it. In paying so much attention to this I managed to drop to the knees more heavily than usual! Oh well, but I am doing better (3 times I touched today)
Saraswati helped me with the usual asanas today.

I did try to balance myself for Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana (extended hand foot thumb posture), the right side is pretty good (though I still need help), but the left side I definately need help with.
For shoulderstand I found the balance point to enable me to hold my legs when they are in Lotus. I did also manage to hold Pindasana (where the hands are wrapped around the legs) for several breaths (Saraswati wasn't around to help).
Headstand: I was able to hold the asana for 25 breaths on my own! Saraswati came over and helped me to lower my legs to horizontal and then brought them back up

Oh I also managed to skip Navasana, attempted Bhujapindasana twice, then realised my mistake and completed Navasana(/lolasana series)! :)
(Saraswati did help me with Bhujapindasana btw (by the way))

Breakfast: Porridge + Milk (I wonder if this is aggravating my condition... or maybe helping, don't know)
Lunch: @ Anu's (it is a buffet Monday - Friday (Thursday is a holiday), that is why I do not say what I eat - unless it is weekend when they serve breakfast and dinner)
Dinner: Went to Hotel Ritz for going away party. The food was a mixed bag really. Palaak Paneer was served in a cold dish (contents were barely warm) but they did serve a delicious Spring roll that I couldn't eat enough of) I also ate butter romali? which is a light bread/naan with butter, also really tasty. Others in the party had chips and other things...

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