Thursday, November 03, 2005

Sixteenth Yoga Practice / Yoga Sutra

Saraswati's class began today :) I have really missed the energy of AYRI.

As with everytime I have practiced here, my Ujjayi inhale has been really off, and the transitions from Chaturanga to Downward Facing Dog not smooth at all, this is especially so at the beginning of class (I notice this more in the morning, 8am is too early for Yoga ;) ) but by the middle to end of practice everything is good, I am really feeling the energy and the practice has smoothed out :)

Saraswati let me go all the way through to Janu Sirsasana C! I have not been able to turn my heel up for this (while practicing at Yoga Mandala), Saraswati told me to try myself (which apart from meaning what she says, also seems to mean that this is the last asana for today).
I asked Saraswati to help me with every new asana (remember Saraswati had stopped me before their trip @ Triang Mukha Eka Pada Paschimottanasana - oblique face one leg West extension posture (I can't remember the name of this either... here is the website: ) and so I was very surprised that Saraswati let me progress so far!)
I attempted the asana the best I could and then completed the finishing Padmasana sequence and then to Savasana.
After Savasana, Saraswati asked me about my inability to turn my ankle, I told her I am having knee problems (left knee, was bad before I started Yoga) and then said not to worry, just take my time. This was really good to hear...

After the class I rushed to Yoga Mandala for Patanjali's Yoga Sutras class. The class is for five days (1 1/2 - 2 hours a day). At Yoga Mandala I ate breakfast (starving after Yoga always) and then to class at 10am.
There were only two other students in the class. Both are Korean (I am pretty sure) and one has difficulty understanding English. The teacher was intent on making sure that she understood everything, asking the other girl to translate as he went. The other girl kept saying that she understood but could not translate much. The teacher persisted and asked her to translate as much as she could (actually he said something like "tell her anything, she will atleast then have questions which I will be happy to answer!")

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