Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Twentyfirst Ashtanga Practice

I remembered all of the sequence I have learn't up to now, no need to refer to any 'cheat' sheet! (Not including new asanas given today) This is really great because I do not need to rely on a teacher or DVD to help when neither are available.

I also managed to bind (myself, no help) Marichyasana C and left side (which is the right foot in 1/2 lotus, the left leg drawn in) of Marichyasana D :)

(Saraswati asked me to try myself for Marichyasana D and then said "It's coming see?")

Navasana and the cross legged lift (5 breaths for both) is still pretty hard, but easier than yesterday (really challenging for the abdominals) Urdhva Dhanurasana was very easy, Saraswati stood over me counting the breaths so she could help me with the next part of this which is "advanced backbending".
After completing Urdhva Dhanurasana I lay down: Saraswati asked me to stand up. She held my waist as I (was instructed to) cross my arms in front (kinda holding the shoulders). Saraswati then lowered me backwards towards the ground (I kept my legs straight) three times... but each time I experienced a lot of lower back pressure... Saraswati said "Maybe tomorrow".
I was then told to complete shoulderstand series ( everything up to Uttana Padasana but not Headstand (Sirsasana)) which Saraswati helped me to complete. (not too hard, though Pindasana is tight (hard to bring knees to the head))
Finally the finishing Padmasana series (same weblink as above) and Savasana (interesting that website doesn't show Savasana)

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