Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Twentyfifth Ashtanga practice

Overall I think that the days off have helped with my practice, today I took the practice much slower (I have been rushing off for other class), my practice has become extremely enjoyable :)

Same asanas, same assistance... at the end of practice Saraswati said "headstand tomorrow..." and "arrive at 8:30am, it is too busy" (not literal quote, even though I put it in " )

For breakfast I ate fruit salad (does anyone really care what I eat every day? ;) )

Lunch was at "Hotel RRR" where a friend and I ate Thali meals on a banana leaf. The leaf was sitting on the table without a plate (traditional way to serve Thali?), a bit of water wiped over the surface and we were ready... item after item was placed on the leaf, to the point I didn't know what to eat next... free refills came as soon as items were eaten, so it was pretty hard to stop... darn was it good food...

I went to Kumars for Osho meditation and then to Anu's for dinner and to use the Internet

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