Monday, November 21, 2005

Twentyninth Ashtanga Practice

Overall the practice was pretty good today (bit stiff in the beginning), although there is a definate difference in my left knee after Saturday's practice. The discomfort seems to be underneath the knee (it is tender). Saraswati said the click I heard was something opening and just to use balm to help. All asanas that required bending or twisting the knee were effected today. My favorite asana half bound lotus extension posture (ardha baddha padma uttanasana) was especially stiff... and the left side was never as loose as the right, but atleast I could reach the floor with my hand... now this is not possible (without a great deal of discomfort), I can hardly bend forward now.
Saraswati helped me with spread foot extension posture (Prasarita Padottanasana), leg balance (Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana), extended hand foot thumb posture (Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana), Marichyasana D (first side only),Bhuja Pindasana, Kurmasana, Supta Kurmasana, Advanced backbending, & Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand) (Pindasana... I managed to hold my knees up with my hands, finding the balancing point).

That's a heck of a lot of asanas that I cannot complete on my own... I am pretty surprised I have been allowed to continue adding asanas... (though to be truthful some of the help is minor (like binding the hand for Marichyasana D)

After a few seated asanas the breath is better (vinyasa transitions especially)

All of the asanas are deeper... downward facing dog is to the point where my spine is long (not rounded (too much), atleast I am pretty sure it is ;) ) and my heels are down just about regardless of where my legs are (forward or back of their normal position)

Bhuja Pindasana is a bit easier today, I have more control on how slowly I lower my head and I can nearly unhook my legs and jump back... it is mainly a matter of balance and levers (body levers), one day it will just work...

Today Saraswati told me to just try the next asana in the series... Kurmasana (Tortoise posture) I didn't ever think I would make it this far... wow! Saraswati postioned my hands and legs then pushed my back towards the floor... huffing and puffing I told myself to hang in for a bit more... I keep telling myself (the first time I am given just about any new asana), only 5 breaths that's all then it will be over... well Kurmasana was over after 5 breaths... Saraswati pulled my hands around my back (they touched my back, not binding) and adjusted my legs in front of my head, crossing one over the other... suddenly I am in Supta Kurmasana (Supine Tortoise Posture)... then once again Saraswati pushed my back down. This was intense! But again I told myself only 5 breaths (not that I can do much about it with my head on the floor, my hands and legs wrapped around myself... not exactly going to get up am I? Even saying anything was out of the question... all I wanted to do was breath... and that is all there was to do...

Intro to Ayurveda class started today, it was very good... only myself and one other person (a friend who has been taking asana classes too).

Went for Osho meditation, it wasn't anything of the experience of the first time. This was a passive Nidra type meditation (where you lay down and there is someone guiding the meditation). Normally I sleep during these meditations (and I know it) but this time I am not too sure (probably means I did).

So today was a long day, quite a bit of running around and chatting with many people (about Ayurvedic Constitutions, other teachers of Yoga - especially Venkatesh)
I also helped a friend with their camera (to download pictures to computer) but they didn't have the correct cable and the Internet cafe did not have a suitable memory card reader either...

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