Saturday, November 26, 2005

Thirty Fourth Ashtanga Practice

Saturday's class begins with a chant, I was a bit late (supposed to get to class @7:30am, of course that is shala time which is atleast 15minutes faster than Mysore time) so missed it :(

Saraswati helped me with Sideways Forward fold/ spread foot extension posture (Prasarita Padottanasa), extended hand foot thumb posture (Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana), Marichyasana D (first side), Bhujapindasana, Kumasana (and Supta), Advanced backbending, Shoulderstand (Sarvangasana) - to help with balancing Pindasana, + Sirsasana (headstand)

For shoulderstand, Saraswati pulled my lotus'd legs much higher than I had, it did seem it help with balance (that and her legs on my back)

In Headstand, Saraswati left me stay a long time, then helped me lower my legs to the horizontal position (and back up to vertical) and then basically let me stay up there (walking away!).
I am bringing myself up to headstand by pulling the legs into the body (using 'core' strength) and of course without walls to support...

Marichyasana D (1st side) is still painful... I told Saraswati and she said "Rest tomorrow!" Well duh, it is our holiday off anyway!

Saraswati also mentioned I will get a new asana on Monday - but I asked if I could try today - which I was told a firm NO! (I asked because I knew I had managed no problem with this new asana Garbha Pindasana & Kukkutasana --- --- though the rolling 9 times on the floor I haven't achieved without help!)

Next Saturday will be a lead class! (The first Saraswati has done with us)

Today's breath was pretty good... oh and I accidentally skipped Navasana (Boat pose) - something about eagerness to get to the next asana I think ;)

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