Friday, November 04, 2005

Seventeenth Ashtanga Practice

Today I somewhat managed Janu Sirsasana C (but I still can't rotate my left heel much if at all, right one isn't much better)
After that asana I completed a half vinyasa and started the Padmasana finishing sequence... Saraswati saw what I was doing and stopped me; she told me to jump through again (I do not know why, maybe she didn't see me do it already) and had me try Marichyasana A...No problem with the binding, but the forward fold is not happening.
(Link for Marichyasana A: )

I tried the asana on my right side, Saraswati pushed on my back to help me get my body closer to the floor but when I came to the left side, she was helping someone else... so wasn't able to complete the adjustment.
I wish teachers would remember to adjust on both sides, I feel uneven otherwise!
Mind you to be fair, Saraswati is the best of the teachers in a long time...

After this I was told to finish... So another jump through and Padmasana Series followed by a quick Savasana... and I was done :)

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