Thursday, November 10, 2005

Twentysecond Ashtanga Practice

I arrived at the shala around 8:15am. Saraswati helped with spread foot extension posture (Prasarita Padottanasana) extended hand foot thumb posture (Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana), Marichyasana D (first side only), Advanced backbending, & Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand) (holding Lotus with hands and Pindasana)

I realised that it is necessary to bend the knees when dropping back for the advanced backbend (yesterday I did it with straight legs): Doing this I was able to land with the hands on the floor (still quite a bit of tightness)
With Chakrasana I am still rolling to the left (even though I am trying to engange left arm more) so the left arm/hand collapses.

The Ayurvedic Dr. who teaches the Yoga Sutras gave me advice on my diet to reduce the coughing I am experiencing (paraphrased):
No Chai or Coffee (it is an irritant which causes hunger pangs)
Do not fill the stomach with food, be sure there is room to spare - light meals.
Vegetarian diet (no eggs or fish)
Do not snack between meals (including no juice) - just drink water when thirsty
No saturated fats or curd (Yogurt)
Herbal tea only with meals

Rational is that anything that is not digested will turn into toxins in one way or another, so better not to eat too much or snack... chai & coffee increase the bodies desire to eat when it is not necessary (for nutrition)...

I ate lunch @ the Green Leaf cafe (ginger gobi masala) + naan + water
Dinner was @ Gokul Chats (aloo gobi, rice, spinach paratha) yummmm......

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