Friday, November 25, 2005

Thirtythird Ashtanga Practice

Today's practice (Friday's & Saturday's actually) starts with the opening chant, led by Saraswati. This is because there is a led class today which finishes before Saraswati's class starts. Same happens on Saturday.

So overall the practice was quite smooth from seated postures onwards. Savasana was especially deep, I think this is because of the intensity of the practice and the recent introduction of the drop back backbends (referred to as advanced backbending in John Scott's book). I am enjoying practice more and more.

Saraswati helped me with Sideways Forward fold, spread foot extension posture (Prasarita Padottanasa), extended hand foot thumb posture (Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana), Marichyasana D (First Side), Bhujapidasana, Kurmasana, Supta Kurmasana, Advanced backbend , Sirsasana.

With Saraswati's help I am able to fall back to the floor with the backbend (have been able to for some time) . Shoulderstand (Sarvangasana) I am able to balance supporting my legs in Lotus with my hands (harder than it looks, or maybe it is as hard as it looks, I don't know now!). I am also able to bind Pindasana in Shoulderstand.

Saraswati helped me more than I wanted to with Bhujapidasana, but it was good she did (probably would have fallen otherwise).

Kurmasana I am able to cross the ankles (but not behind head). With Supta Kurmasana I am able to touch my hands (behind back) now... of course this is with Saraswati's help. (but before even with her help I could not touch the hands)

After backbending Saraswati walked away... normally she will adjust in the seated forward fold to help the counter pose... she asked me what I was doing (I just sat around) and I told her that I needed to be folded forward... she came back and laughed saying she forgot! As far as I know that is a first for her...

Sirsasana is coming along, I held it for a minute or two and then Saraswati came along and helped me to lower my legs to the horizontal position. She then helped me to lift them back up and then left me... I stayed up for another minute or so before becoming too unstable.

Saraswati told me I will get another Asana on Monday :) (Badha Konasana, bound angle posture)... yippeeee :) ;)

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