Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Hot Badam milk and weight gain

So the question is, am I putting on weight? I think the answer is no (maybe I am losing weight).

I am eating like a well fed pig who has been given shots to improve their appetite... or atleast I was until my diet was given to me by an Ayurvedic Dr. (the post is somewhere in this blog, I guess you could press Ctrl (key) + F and type in Ayurveda and it will show you the post... anyway... the Dr. told me today that my physical constitution is Pitta / Vata so that explains quite a bit (why I can eat and eat and eat for one thing...)

So I really don't think I am putting on weight, the combination of the new diet (not that the old diet did anything for my weight), Ashtanga Yoga (which has to contribute to keeping the weight off)... plus I have a high metabolism... (the pitta constitution)... and there isn't much chance of weight gain...
The badam milk doesn't have anything to do with much, but I hope it makes someone laugh ;)

1 comment:

Bruce said...

It is ok! No worries :)
I have added a new entry on some of my inner thoughts... I hope it is along the right lines :)

Talk soon
